I’m João Almeida, a 24 years old software developer from Lisbon working at CERN in Geneva. I’m into Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, but in general I’m interested in any kind of technically challenging problem.
Reach me at jmirandadealme at gmail.
I believe I get a better understanding of a given topic when I try to explain it to someone else. So I plan to use the blog to serve as a way to get a better understanding of topics I’m interested in. I also want to improve and practice writing, specially technical writing. So I’ll take the time to document some projects and experiments I’ll do.
I’m working at the Advanced Information Systems Group inside CERN, developing solutions for document and business processes management.
My main focus has been the development of a common new search and access control system for two large applications with millions of documents. I’ve been working with Java, Drools, Solr/ElasticSearch and Alfresco.
I also participated on the CERN Spring Campus 2017 in Glasgow where I gave two talks, one on Machine Learning and the other on Recommender Systems.
I enrolled in my bachelor and master in Electrical and Computer Enginnering on September 2011 and just finished it on May 2017. I have been a very proud member of Técnico’s community. I did my master thesis Recommeder Systems for Tech Recruitment with Landing.jobs.
I was deeply involved with HackerSchool for more than 4 years and led it during one of them. I have also helped and contributed to the students association AEIST and I was member of Técnico’s Pedagogical Council. In 2015 I was selected to represent IST at the CLUSTER symposium in Eindhoven.
On 2014/2015 I did an one year exchange program at TU Delft where I first add contact with Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science. This experience made me deviate a bit from my master curricullum and take a few really interesting courses on the area. I even ended up attending the 2015 Benelearn.
21 Sep 2017: WTF - Wikipedia Traffic Forecasting
09 Jul 2017: Recommender Systems Talk
04 Jul 2017: Exchange Rate on the Shell
07 Aug 2016: Genetic Algorithms in one night
30 Apr 2016: Detecting Machine Translation
21 Apr 2016: My first blog post